Give love a chance

I’ve got you on my mind
And I don’t know what to do
Whether to keep it all in
Or tell you how much I love you

We had so much love
Have you forgotten it all
The passion we shared
The time we risked it all

That crisp cold night
With music afar
Both of us dancing
Under the star lit sky

I know we made mistakes
We were only just kids
Can’t we put it all behind
And start afresh

You’re scared I’ll hurt you
But we are wiser now
I promise to be careful
This time round

I hope you agree
Our love is worth one chance
All we gotta do is
Give it an honest shot

–Nisha John–

Choose Compassion

As the calender changes for a year
Let’s all stop for a while to cheer
For little kids who fight to live
And little hearts that may not win
A thought for those less fortunate
The ones with no food on their plate
A mother with hard choices to make
A father who can’t be saved
If we can each warm just one soul
Or help someone feel whole
The world would be a better place to live
A new beginning to feel thrilled
Doesn’t matter how small your action
This new year choose compassion.

–Nisha John–

Lots to See

The blue Sky
The majestic trees
They all tell me
I have lots to see
Many hills yet to climb
Many mountains yet to conquer
The roads are winding
But not so twisted
That we can’t cover the distance
The traveling birds
The fluttering leaves
They all tell me
I have lots to see
Many streams yet to swim
Many seas yet to cross
The wind is blowing
But not so hard
That we cant control the mast
So set sail, O jolly sailor
Let’s face those blowing winds
So lets go mountaineer
Let’s cross those mountains off our list.
–Nisha John–


I’m surrounded by angels
Of different kinds
This much I can tell
From what I’ve seen in my life
In my hardest of struggles
I have always found
God sends me an angel
To keep me safe n sound
Some come and go
Some stay forever
Some I know
Some total strangers
Just yesterday as I lay alone
Losing faith in myself
Lost to the core
An angel knocked my door
He had no wings
But I could tell by the way he spoke
He was sent for me from up above
If I had a chance
Not a thing I would change
I wouldn’t want to miss
An angel sent my way.
–Nisha John–

Run Away

I want to run away,
Run away to a place where love actually rules the world.
A place where sounds of laughter drowns the sounds of sorrow.
A place where kindness is appreciated not taken advantage of.
A place where mending hearts is easier than breaking them.
A place where the love of money is not as important as the love of life.
A place where people are not as quick to judge as they are to help.
A place where speaking the truth is not so difficult.
And when I find a place like that, I want to share it with you….
You, who has been with me through trying times.
You, who has made me laugh through sorrow.
You, who has been kind.
You, who has loved without knowing it.
You, who are my truest friend.
Does this mean we have found the place?
The place where love still exists….
–Nisha John–