One Child at a Stretch

As I stood on the street
Just a few feet
from what used to be our home

With a child on tow
No job in hand
A few dollars in my tote.

The word on the vine
Said I deserved it all
Cause I dared to end the vows.

Two people shattered
No one cared
How we would come around.

Its true you know
Heroes are made
When adversity strikes like a pro

He chose to retreat
I chose to rise
I became my own hero.

I stood alone
But I stood strong
I found myself a job

It wasn’t easy
There were voices there
Trying to pull me down

But every time
I saw my child
I got my strength to go on

I shushed the voices
Fought my demons
And steadied my own ground

Those at one time
Called me names
Now come out to cheer

Oh! Look at her
Such a fine mum
Its like she knows no fear

But in the end
Its none of this
That makes it all worthwhile

Its a secure child
Who happily exclaims
“Mama what a beautiful life.”

My child is kind
My child is warm
He is a pillar for all his friends

And that is how
You build a better world
One child at a stretch.

-Nisha John-

Lots to See

The blue Sky
The majestic trees
They all tell me
I have lots to see
Many hills yet to climb
Many mountains yet to conquer
The roads are winding
But not so twisted
That we can’t cover the distance
The traveling birds
The fluttering leaves
They all tell me
I have lots to see
Many streams yet to swim
Many seas yet to cross
The wind is blowing
But not so hard
That we cant control the mast
So set sail, O jolly sailor
Let’s face those blowing winds
So lets go mountaineer
Let’s cross those mountains off our list.
–Nisha John–