One Child at a Stretch

As I stood on the street
Just a few feet
from what used to be our home

With a child on tow
No job in hand
A few dollars in my tote.

The word on the vine
Said I deserved it all
Cause I dared to end the vows.

Two people shattered
No one cared
How we would come around.

Its true you know
Heroes are made
When adversity strikes like a pro

He chose to retreat
I chose to rise
I became my own hero.

I stood alone
But I stood strong
I found myself a job

It wasn’t easy
There were voices there
Trying to pull me down

But every time
I saw my child
I got my strength to go on

I shushed the voices
Fought my demons
And steadied my own ground

Those at one time
Called me names
Now come out to cheer

Oh! Look at her
Such a fine mum
Its like she knows no fear

But in the end
Its none of this
That makes it all worthwhile

Its a secure child
Who happily exclaims
“Mama what a beautiful life.”

My child is kind
My child is warm
He is a pillar for all his friends

And that is how
You build a better world
One child at a stretch.

-Nisha John-

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