Run Away

I want to run away,
Run away to a place where love actually rules the world.
A place where sounds of laughter drowns the sounds of sorrow.
A place where kindness is appreciated not taken advantage of.
A place where mending hearts is easier than breaking them.
A place where the love of money is not as important as the love of life.
A place where people are not as quick to judge as they are to help.
A place where speaking the truth is not so difficult.
And when I find a place like that, I want to share it with you….
You, who has been with me through trying times.
You, who has made me laugh through sorrow.
You, who has been kind.
You, who has loved without knowing it.
You, who are my truest friend.
Does this mean we have found the place?
The place where love still exists….
–Nisha John–

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